Material Request Queue - SHIP to SHIP requests

Hi all,

I was hoping for some help.

On our Material Request Queue we have a number of material move requests to move items from the ship bin in the SHIPWHSE to the ship bin in the SHIPWHSE, it seems to create these on buy direct order releases. The way we have got around the issue is on our warehouse terminal they filter on the From Warehouse so they only see material move requests from the MAINWHSE. However, as usual when you implement a fudge rather than solve the root cause it leads to issues down the road, and now we have introduced a new warehouse which we want them to pick from DEMOWHSE obviously they can’t see these move requests.

We could solve the issue by using the grid filters but this time I actually want to solve the root cause of how to stop the move requests from SHIP to SHIP.

Any ideas?


Hi Jonathan,

We do not use advanced material management but have it. Occasionally we have to delete data from the material request queue because user has checked (or program defaulted) to “request move”, and part number unexpectedly gets an undesired allocation and we can’t do anything with it until material request queue is cleared out…

That said,
I have noticed on PO receipt that there is a “TO location” button on the PO line. Is it possible that your receiving personnel are clicking this even though it does not change the bin, it just re-enters SHIPWHSE and then perhaps creates a material move request in the Queue from same spot?


Hi Nancy,

Thanks for replying. I think all the To Location button does is pull through the location where the items should be delivered to, it doesn’t create a move request to my knowledge.


Warning - check the code on your test system first!

@jgiese.wci provided a solution on another forum post:

// Firstly, log all rows to appserver log
foreach(var row in ttMtlQueue)
     //Ice.Diagnostics.Log.WriteEntry("MtlQueue Entry " + row.MtlQueueSeq + " has type = *" + row.TranType + "* and RowMod = *" + row.RowMod + "*");

foreach(var row in ttMtlQueue.Where(x => x.Added() && x.TranType == "PUR-STK"))
     using (var txscope = IceDataContext.CreateDefaultTransactionScope())
          var dbrow = Db.MtlQueue.With(LockHint.UpdLock).Where(x => x.MtlQueueSeq == row.MtlQueueSeq).FirstOrDefault();

Put this in a data directive, in-trans on the MtlQueue table. Now, it does work for PUR-STK transactions like I have it filtered above. It doesn’t work for RMA-INS, I’m going to post back on the original post to see if we can find a way to make it work.

Original post: Site switch to turn off AMM request move by transaction type - #2 by josecgomez - Feature Requests and Suggestions - Epicor User Help Forum