Matching WIP Report for Cutover

We’re trying to set up our first Pilot for upgrading from 9.04.505C to 2021.1.18. We did not use the Cirrus conversion and are using DMT to bring in data. We have everything in place and are trying to bring in labor, burden, material and subcontract for our live jobs. Unfortunately I cannot get the dollars to match on both WIP reports. And I am often off by hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Because our 9.04 WIP report is a progress report I just can’t figure out how and where it is calculating it’s numbers from so I can query those tables. One of my major hurdles is trying to understand how the totals are calc’d.

What is everyone else doing to bring in their WIP for cutover, both pilots and going live?

I’d guess that if you’re not doing an official Conversion, then you make sure WIP is zero.

Try running the WIP report for a specific job, then run the Job Detail report to see all the transactions that would affect for that job.

A starting point for a DB query would be the parttran table, sum the TranAmt, and group by JobNUm and TranType. Search this site for the sign for each TranType. Any jobs that don’t sum up to 0 are what is adding to the WIP report (at least for materials)

From a very high level, you can create your jobs in the new version and then use Job Adjustment to “catch up” your dollar values.

There is a TON of setup work for this… you need to know what materials and labor are left to do so they can be available, and which have already been done so you can NOT have them available. It’s a mess, but with time and persistence it can be done.

Thanks for everyone’s answers. I’m still not sure what everyone does with their open jobs at cutover. In our business we will have hundreds of open, partially worked on jobs at any one time. There’s no way we could cutover with no open jobs. Currently we have 1430 jobs on the WIP report that I’m trying to match on the E11 WIP report. Our consultant has been working on this for 2 weeks now with not much progress.