MassIssue BPM vs IssueReturn BPM

I have been working for the past week on creating a BPM to massIssue all the material that was not issued through the process of completing a Job. The massIssueToMfg is the route I am on now, but I keep getting errors and at this point I am not sure if this is the correct way to go about it. I am testing this simply on when JobReleased goes from false to true fire the BPM. I feel like I am close but with the current error I am wondering if this is the way to go or if I should try to recreate the IssueReturn Process by looping through the Material on each assembly of the job. How would you go about this? Below is the code I have so far on a JobHead In-Tran Data Directive. Below that is the error I am getting.

using (var hMassIssue = Ice.Assemblies.ServiceRenderer.GetService<Erp.Contracts.MassIssueToMfgSvcContract>(Db))
  var job = ttJobHead.Where(x => x.Updated()).FirstOrDefault();
  //var jobAsm = Db.JobAsmbl.Where(y => y.Company == job.Company && y.JobNum == job.JobNum && y.Plant == job.Plant).FirstOrDefault();
  string ipSysRowId = Convert.ToString(job.SysRowID);
  string pcMessage;
  string pcQuestion;
  string pcError;
  Hashtable htPrePerform = new Hashtable();
  string jobNum = Convert.ToString(job.JobNum);
  DateTime tranDate = DateTime.Today;
  //Build table set for build
  Erp.Tablesets.MassIssueInputTableset buildTS = new Erp.Tablesets.MassIssueInputTableset();
  hMassIssue.GetNewMassIssueInput(ref buildTS, false);
  buildTS.MassIssueInputJob[0].JobNum = job.JobNum;
  buildTS.MassIssueInputJob[0].SysRowID = job.SysRowID;
  buildTS.MassIssueInputJob[0].IsReturn = false;
  buildTS.MassIssueInputJob[0].Company = job.Company;
  buildTS.MassIssueInputJob[0].dummyKeyField = string.Empty;
  buildTS.MassIssueInputJob[0].WarnMessage = string.Empty;
  buildTS.MassIssueInputJob[0].RowMod = "A";
  //creates the massTS data set from the buildMassIssueBrowse method. 
  Erp.Tablesets.MassIssueToMfgTableset massTS = hMassIssue.BuildMassIssueBrowse(ref buildTS, ipSysRowId, out pcMessage);
  //Call The issue all, passes the dataset from previous line and looks for all open materials. 
  hMassIssue.IssueAll("Open", ref massTS);
  hMassIssue.NegativeStockCheck(jobNum, ref massTS, out pcQuestion, out pcError);
  hMassIssue.PrePerformMassIssueHT(ref massTS, ref htPrePerform);
  hMassIssue.PerformMassIssue(jobNum, tranDate, 0, false, false, ref massTS, out pcMessage);

Business Layer Exception

No action taken.  No Quantity to issue for 048487-1-1.

Exception caught in: Epicor.ServiceModel

Error Detail 
Correlation ID:  e045b29f-b66b-457e-8281-ed0bd7f8f062
Description:  No action taken.  No Quantity to issue for 048487-1-1.
Program:  Erp.Services.BO.MassIssueToMfg.dll
Method:  NegativeStockCheck
Line Number:  2353
Column Number:  17
Table:  MassIssue
Field:  QtyIssued

Client Stack Trace 
   at Epicor.ServiceModel.Channels.ImplBase`1.ShouldRethrowNonRetryableException(Exception ex, DataSet[] dataSets)
   at Erp.Proxy.BO.JobEntryImpl.Update(JobEntryDataSet ds)
   at Erp.Adapters.JobEntryAdapter.OnUpdate()
   at Ice.Lib.Framework.EpiBaseAdapter.Update()
   at Erp.UI.App.JobEntry.Transaction.Update()

When you ran NegativeStockCheck it would have filled out pcQuestion if you are about to go Negative. Then you are supposed to pass in your answer Continue or Cancel to PerformMassIssue

// The 5th parameter should indicate false or true, in your case you decided not to continue. Change it to true.
/*void PerformMassIssue( 
   string pcJobNum,
   Nullable<DateTime> pdtTranDate,
   int piCallNum,
   bool plMaterialComplete,
   bool plNegStockCheckContinue,
   ref MassIssueToMfgTableset ds,
   out string pcMessage
hMassIssue.PerformMassIssue(jobNum, tranDate, 0, false, false, ref massTS, out pcMessage);

On second thought I wonder if its the CheckNegative not having enough information to determine how much is already issued. Unsure without a trace.

I was wondering about the QTY issue and the from bin when using the massIssue, That is why my thought process was to use IssueReturn where I can set each of those fields that I have in question.

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