I’m using a BPM invoked by User Process Scheduler. This is driving me nuts, because it worked a couple of times and now is giving me an error when I invoke
var Parameters = new Ice.Core.TaskParameterInformation(this.Db, taskNum);
var custNum = Convert.ToInt32(Parameters.GetCharacterValue("TxtParam1"));
var followUpDate = Convert.ToDateTime(Parameters.GetDateValue("DatParam1"));//looks misspelled but isn't
DateTime dateValue = DateTime.Now;
DateTime.TryParse(Parameters.GetCharacterValue("DatParam1"), out dateValue);//looks misspelled but isn't
var followUpDate = dateValue;
Dictionary<int, DateTime?> queue = new Dictionary<int, DateTime?>();
foreach(var quote in (from q in Db.QuoteHed.With(LockHint.NoLock)
q.Company == Session.CompanyID
&& q.CustNum == custNum
&& q.Quoted == false
&& q.QuoteClosed == false
&& q.ActiveTaskID == "ACTV"
select new {
q.QuoteNum, q.FollowUpDate
/*Start Iteration Action*/
if(quote != null)
queue.Add(quote.QuoteNum, quote.FollowUpDate);
/*End Interation Action*/
//queue.Add(59689, DateTime.Today);
foreach(var row in queue)
using(Erp.Contracts.QuoteSvcContract quoteSvc = Ice.Assemblies.ServiceRenderer.GetService<Erp.Contracts.QuoteSvcContract>(Db))
//update the QuoteHed.ResponsibleFor_c and QuoteHed.Character03 to "ASC" and "COVID-19 Hold"
//set QuoteHed.FollowUpDate to either the user input follow up date or if it has one, leave it alone.
var quoteTS = quoteSvc.GetByID(row.Key);
quoteTS.QuoteHed[0]["ResponsibleFor_c"] = "ASC";
quoteTS.QuoteHed[0]["Character03"] = "COVID-19 Hold";
quoteTS.QuoteHed[0].RowMod = "U";
if(row.Value != null)
quoteTS.QuoteHed[0].FollowUpDate = row.Value;
quoteTS.QuoteHed[0].FollowUpDate = followUpDate;
quoteSvc.Update(ref quoteTS);
//Update the task from "Active" to "Hold"
using(Erp.Contracts.TaskSvcContract taskSvc = Ice.Assemblies.ServiceRenderer.GetService<Erp.Contracts.TaskSvcContract>(Db))
string whereClause = string.Format("Key1 = '{0}' AND RelatedToFile = 'QuoteHed' BY TaskSeqNum DESC", row.Key.ToString());
int pageSize = 0;
int absolutePage = 0;
bool morePages = false;
var taskTS = taskSvc.GetRows(whereClause, "", pageSize, absolutePage, out morePages);
//use the top row to get the specific task
string relatedToFile = "QuoteHed";
string key1 = row.Key.ToString();
string key2 = "";
string key3 = "";
int taskSeqNum = taskTS.Task[0].TaskSeqNum;
taskTS = taskSvc.GetByID(relatedToFile, key1, key2, key3, taskSeqNum);
bool lProposedComplete = true;
string cMessage = "";
//prepare update
taskTS.Task[0].Complete = true;
taskTS.Task[0].ReasonCode = "Next";
taskTS.Task[0].NextTaskSeq = 10;
taskTS.Task[0].NextStage = "OPPORTUNITY";
taskTS.Task[0].NextTaskList = "10`Hold~30`Order Complete";
taskTS.Task[0].TaskCompletePasswordIsValid = true;
taskTS.Task[0].RowMod = "U";
taskSvc.ChangeComplete(ref taskTS, lProposedComplete, out cMessage);
//prepare update
taskTS.Task[0].Complete = true;
taskTS.Task[0].ReasonCode = "Next";
taskTS.Task[0].NextTaskSeq = 10;
taskTS.Task[0].NextStage = "OPPORTUNITY";
taskTS.Task[0].NextTaskList = "10`Hold~30`Order Complete";
taskTS.Task[0].TaskCompletePasswordIsValid = true;
taskTS.Task[0].RowMod = "U";
taskSvc.Update(ref taskTS);
It’s getting through the Quote Update on the first record, then dumping an exception in the System Monitor saying “The table ttTask has more than one record”