Mass receive multiple purchase orders on a packing slip

Our users are spending a ton of time receiving orders. Our vendor will send us packing slips with 100’s of line items on different purchase orders. The receipt entry screen only allows a mass receipt of one purchase order per packing slip, then you have to receive line items one by one.

Does anyone have any ideas on how this could be sped up or changed?

you can try below:
> New PackSlip without PONum, only enter Supplier ID and save;
> Then Go to Actions Mass Receipt, Now you can select multiple po,
Or you can quickly add PO via excel Copy & paste in Lines> List sheet, similarly, you cannot have PONum on your PackSlip Header.



This worked perfectly. I had no idea you could do a mass receipt without entering a PO. Thank you

Holy crap would you look at that!

can you believe it? I feel so bad for my receiving department, been doing without for 3 years :expressionless:

Why does this message pop up for each line that is selected?

Somebody wrote a BPM to display that message when a certain event triggers it. By the information displayed, it appears to be on PO Receipt Entry on Mass Receipt, but that might not be correct.

Check with whoever your system admin is to see who would have put that in.

Will do. Thanks! Once I know this is the case, I will mark solution.

I can’t seem to get the paste insert to work correctly when pasting the PO in under list. The PO is input, but how do you get the line and release and all the info to populate?

To the best of my knowledge, each PO must be a separate PO Receipt record. I don’t know if I’ve ever tried to use the same Packing Slip for multiple POs, but I wouldn’t think that would be a problem.

Try putting the PO Number in the Header, and then entering the first Detail record manually… then see if you can do the paste insert to create additional detail records with different PO numbers.

Worrth a shot

we had the same wish and posted an idea about that some years ago, it was expired, so i recreated it again, so if you wish to have it with less clicks, please vote for this idea on Kinetic ideas:

Receipt Entry - Mass receipt with | Epicor Kinetic Ideas Portal (