Mass Part Replacement inc change to Eco ud field


Hi !

We have a requirement where mass updates of manufactured Parts are required - swapping one purchased raw material part with another across many manufactured parts. However we also need to change another field which is a ud field present on ecomtl table and partmtl table.

I know i could use the mass part replace process but this doesnt then offer any further updates other than a straight swap.

Im happy to dmt, but nervous in doing so- does anyone have a process / series of steps i should take


Sounds like you’re trying to change the BOM of the manufactured part?

Updating parts in the PartMtl table with DMT isn’t too bad until you start dealing with Partnum and MtlPartNum, then things can get turned around fairly quickly if you’re not careful. I have not dealt with changing records in the ECOmtl table.

What are these fields? What do they do?

Just holds a decimal field per mtlpartnum

Are these unique per BOM or can they be moved to the part record?

the ud field exists in both ecomtl and partmtl and when checked out and back in the ecomtl ud field updates the partmtl ud field.

That’s doesn’t really tell me much, other than it looks like you’ve properly set up the UD Column Map.

Basically, there’s 3 ways to skin this cat:

  1. Move the UD fields to the Part table (if possible). Easiest option, by far, if you can manage it.
  2. Create some BPM or data directive that updates those fields in the background when you do a Mass Replace
  3. Do it via DMT. Lowest risk, no customization, though building a BAQ or SQL query to create the import file will take a bit of work. However, building an ECO group requires you to perform about a half dozen DMT imports.

I’m trying to figure out if option 1 is feasible, because that permanently solves this issue. If you have the chops #2 is also a permanent fix. 3) is basically skipping the built-in mass replace and using a DMT import process and that might need to be tailored every time. Hard to say given that I don’t understand how these UD fields related to the rest of your system.