Mass Job Closing

Does anyone know of a way to do a mass closing of completed jobs? We have about 1,500 to close. They were reviewed during the completion process are are OK to close.

Thanks, Tim

I am unsure if there is a stock way to do this (I’ll let the ops experts chime in)

If there isnt we can surely write code to automate it. I’d dont have anything related at the moment, in short, my process would be to trace a job closing and use that to write code to emulate the process (automatically).

With that said, if you arent a programmer, I dont know that there is an easy way to do that.

Have you looked into the Auto Job Closing process? I’m not sure if that will run wide-open or if you can filter it down so it only closes the jobs you want it to close.

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We run auto completion and then auto close runs with tighter parameters. That gets most closed and then we only have to hand close jobs with issues.

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as someone else suggested, there is the Auto Complete and Close processes… I have also made an updateable dashboard in the past to check the boxes. Care really needs to be taken to make sure that you really WANT to complete and close. Many people think that closing is the right thing to do without any analysis… but there are reasons why the Auto close doesn’t always close (like you forgot to issue all the material or charge all the labor). The Close process is an important step to make sure that all transactions for a job are complete.


Auto closing will close any job where every op is completed and every material has been issued and the job quantities match - basically the job/opeartions/material issues have been completed properly on system - there are some tolerance modifiers you can set to allow it to close if you are maybe one short but generally the auto close is looking for everything to be tickity boo on the job.

You can write a dashboard but this is not an insignificant amount of work as when you close the job using the job closing screen there are a lot of other background processes that are triggered to close the job properly - for any jobs where there are open/incomplete it will for example clearing any open material demand/time phase/clearing schedules/material back flushing - you checking the job closed box on a dashboard will not automatically trigger these processes and you will potentially end up with things like material demand for jobs that are closed because the under

You can do this using effectively using the DMT - this is what we do to close jobs that are fully shipped but where there are multiple transactions preventing automatic closing - this appears to run all the associated processes.

If you have good transactional discipline automatic closing will work for you if not I would recommend using the DMT, not least as you do not need to create/develop anything so should be upgrade proof.

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if you calling the BO Close Jobs method and pass the required parameters, all relevant process should be triggered, the same principle used in the DMT module, then if there is an error the record will be highlighted in the updatable dashboard.

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Sorry I thought that you could call methods from an updateable dashboard was implied in my response but it is vague upon re-read.

DMT works out of the box. An updateable dashboard calling methods and passing parameters needs to be created, tested, maintained and may need changed as a result of an upgrade.

Both paths equally valid and achieve the same thing, it really depends on level of ease, capability and whether you are trying to keep the system vanilla.

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I understand the Auto Complete / Close. We went live 3 weeks ago and many jobs did not Auto Complete / Close because they had issues. Those issues were fixed prior to completing so they can now be closed.

I was just wondering if there was a relatively easy way to mass close jobs that I know are ok to close.

This would be a one-time situation.


Tim Carpenter
S&S Cycle, Inc
(608) 627-0355 Direct Line
(608) 406-0762 Cell

One time thing would be the DMT if you have a license.

We tried a DMT yesterday, but must have been missing a required field. We kept getting a “must be valid job number” error message or something like that.

Example of the file we use - obviously you need to fill in company

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James McKinnon

    May 2

Example of the file we use - obviously you need to fill in company

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We built an update-able dashboard to do this.

Mission accomplished

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If there is a list view, opt for paste insert instead of customization or DMT. For job closing, just move the columns for job #, close=true, and qty continue=1. Then paste/update from excel. Of course that’s once you’re ok with variances and make to orders have shipped.

Hello Beth,

would you be able to share the updatable BAQ you guys made for Completing and closing the jobs. thank you.

We have made a DMT Template, but it changes our Job Completion date to the date the DMT runs. Have you found that to be an issue?

We have a job that completed 02/15/2020 then when we run the DMT to close the job it changes the completion date to the date the DMT was ran like 04/01/2020.

Just an FYI - I found if I move the Job Completion field to the far right, it keep the same date. This is now not an issue for us. But I thought i would post it, in case anyone else has this issue.

Just as a reference to the poor sod in the future that will be puzzled by the “Not a Valid Job Number” error when trying to mass close jobs through DMT, below is my magic column sequence. I fiddled for quite a while to make it work…

We are multi site, and usually I have a “Plant” column, but for this time it didn’t work. I am not sure why the column sequence works one time, and breaks other times. If it isn’t the DMT version, then it must be either the moon phase or the way I held my prayer beads while dancing and chanting around my workstation as I am trying to close 8K stale jobs. There were no Solar flares at the time I ran this, and my DMT version was

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