Manifest Error Messages

We have been running on Manifest v3 now for 4 days now and we’ve ran into some problems. We are seeing technical / vague error messages that we don’t understand how to resolved.

Examples include:
could not execute batch command
Cannot insert the value NULL into column ‘CarrierId’
Object Reference not set to an instance of an object
a different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session

We’ve managed to resolve a few of these issues. One problem was the country was not set in all of our customers and
shipto’s. We DMT’d the country into the appropriate records and that fixed some of the issues. However, we are still facing similar error messages.

Has anyone ran across these error messages and know of a solution to fix them?

Let’s see if this works:

E10-CannotShipObjectReferencenotsettoaninstanceofanobject-090217-1008-4.pdf (159.6 KB)

E10-FreightError-CannotinsertvalueNULLintocolumnUltimateConsigneeAddressId-090217-1009-6.pdf (26.9 KB)

I think this covers some of the reasons you get the second and the third error you reference.