Mandatory Field - BPM or Extended Property?

Just curious if there over which is the best way to set a mandatory field (BPM or Extended Property Maintenance)? And if so, why?

If one was clearly “best” then I suspect both wouldn’t be available to use.

In my experience Extended Properties are great, but a blunt tool. If they work for your needs in a particular case then that’s first choice, but as soon as there are any conditions or caveats or complications or validations then you kind of have to fall back on BPMs. Just my opinion.


What Daryl said 100%, can’t say it any better.

Thank you both for replying. I don’t remember ever using Extended Properties in Vantage, and we’ve only been Live in E10 a few weeks. Also, with the ‘method directives over data directives’ preference I thought it worth checking :slight_smile:

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One thing I was never clear about is if BPMs work differently when called by a user initiated function, vs an automated one.

If you have a BPM to prevent an order line from saving when Prod Group is blank, could that stop a DMT or creating an Order from a Quote?

And what if you add a UD field to a table, and make that required. Do any BPM’s on that table - prior to the addition of the UD - stand the chance of failing?

Hi Calvin,

I have seen Data directives get followed via DMT. I have also seen them followed via MRP. One DD fix actually took our MRP down a few years back and a redesign was needed :frowning:


I might have been overly cautious, but one BPM I did, included a check on one of the key fields (OrderNum I think), to prevent from working on orders entered prior to adding the requirement for the new field.

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