Make Direct Shipments

Is there a workbench which will show the availability to ship Sale Orders that are marked make direct, once the job associated with the sales order is complete.

We currently use the fulfillment workbench to to determine what is available to ship from inventory but I’ve been asked to check into shipping direct from jobs. Make direct jobs will not release to pick for shipment.

out of the box i don’t think there is anything that handy. Should be a fairly simple dashboard though.

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You would have to create your own method of “pick for shipment” because the make direct releases are already technically picked. They are sort of pre-allocated to the order since it’s a 1-1 link. Agreed this is a gap in the system as we people in the real world still typically have some pick/pack function even for make direct, unless you’re a purple unicorn of true JIT but who has that kind of jack? Not me lol!