Make Direct confuses Time Phase

I have noticed that when you choose make direct on a part or sales order release, that time-phase does not calculate the balance correctly. This has caused us to produce less than we need and have to set-up again.

Does anybody know a work around for this?

Do you run MRP?

We don’t have the MRP module.

When you say “does not calculate the balance”, do you mean the demand (from the SO or other jobs) and/or the supply (from the jobs) isn’t?

Do you see a difference whether the job has been created/released/scheduled?

We always create/release/schedule immediately.

Then the Qty’s for SO demand would be cancelled out by the Suppl from the Job.

Do you see either? Neither? See them but they don’t show in running balances?

Something like this:

Part Receipts Required Balance
12345 10 (a job) 0 10
5 (so linked to job) 10

So it’s not netting. It has caused mistakes because we look at the ending balance.

I may make all parts as Stock Items so we don’t see this again. I am trying to figure out how make-direct/non-stock is useful. In all of my 15 years of Epicor experience was for companies that did both - build to stock and build to order.

I can give an example of how it is useful.

We sell items to generally one customer, but occasionally we get demand for a second customer. By making the demand and supply links, it allows us to manage one item for both customers - one is entirely make to order, the other is make to stock (although make to order is modeled by linking sales orders to jobs).