Maintain column widths in BAQ Analysis between Tests

Every time you test a BAQ on the Analyze sheet, the columns revert back to a standard width

If I change the width of a column, I’d like it to remain that width for at least the duration of having the BAQ Designer window open.

And I won’t complain If I make the 2nd column 50 px wide, then insert a new column there and the new column becomes 50, and the shoved column becomes the default. I’ll just tweak those, as You don’t change column order that often.

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To add to that, how about some kind of “auto-size ALL columns” buttons, like Excel?

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That exists in Excel? I’ve always just clicked the “select all cells” area, then double clicked the line between two columns:

Not a button, per se, but highlight A to G (or only C to E, etc.) and double-click a border. Same basic thing you have there.

Point is, you can’t highlight a column in Epicor

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You can try. But you just make it the sort column by accident. :wink:

(and that happens alot when just trying to grab the column separator line when trying to change the column width) :frowning:

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Yes it does.