Lot Charges

Has anybody found a way to set up a lot charge in E10? I have several vendors that charge a lot charge no matter the qty. I was setting a part number called Lot Charge and a UOM and UOM Class called lot. I am trying to setup the conversion table but am stuck. There has to be a simple solution for this. I need it to get tied to a job.

Use a Misc Charge. They can be setup as a percentage or “fixed amount” (it’s not really fixed, it is just not dependent on the cost or qty of the thing its attached to).

Misc Charges can be added at the header level (applies to the whole PO or Order), or at the line level (applies to the specific item)

If you were buying printed tee shirts and the vendor charges $20 per tee, plus a $50 lot charge, you would add a Misc Charge to the line for the Tee’s. Set its type to “amount” (as opposed to “%”) and make the amount $50

If you were buying the above Tees, in several sizes (with a PO line for each size), attach that Misc Charge to just one PO line.

I understand that. However, the misc. charge does not go against the job. How do I capture it against the job thru purchasing


To include it in the cost of stocked part used in a job, or just for Buy To Job purchases?

Buy to job

Can you include a phantom material in the job, and mark it “Fixed Qty”? That should make it appear on Purchase Suggestions - so it ends up as a BTJ line on the PO. And as long as receiving is informed to “receive” this phantom material when the real part comes in, its cost will go right to WIP for that job. And AP can matchup the lot charge on the invoice against the “receipt”

Is using AP Invoice Entry could be an option? You can apply “charges against a job”. Those charges can be added as a JobMtl (Job Misc Detail under Lines panel in Invoice entry).

You could also “simulate” extra charges by using the landed cost module. Your not dealing with container…I know. But landed cost can be used to add extra charges … It’s an option to be evaluated with care. I just don’t know if those extra charges goes in WIP with a Buy Direct.

I would create a job material called Lot Charge. On the material detail sheet, check off the Misc Charge and select the misc charge from the list. If it’s not in the list, add it. You could also call it an Added Material do you can see that it is an unplanned charge.

This information is used in AP Invoice Entry; it is selected when a Job Miscellaneous Line is added.

Thanks everybody. I looked at each suggestion and then tried a couple of things mentioned. I ended up making the certification a part number and then in the method I made the qty a fixed number. IT shows up in PO Suggestions and then on the job