Looking for opinions on installing 8.03.305 patch

> We are going live this weekend and I don't know if we should considering
> installing 305 before the go-live.

No decision here. Don't do it. You're doing to be plenty business next week
without adding more variables to the mix. By the time you put out the fires
from leap day, 305B or C will be out and you'll be able to make a more
informed decision.

When Epicor came out the installer put a second complete install of Vantage on
our system and installed it in a folder called \Patch. During our pilot, we
were aggressive and upgraded the database regularly but now that we're live,
we're patching the "Patch" version first, restoring a copy of our live
database to that area and then check out the new features - planned and
unplanned. We have icons in another place that will put us into this database
for testing with real data. I do wish that we would create a formal testing
procedure though...


Mark W.

I just finished skimming the change list for the 305 patch and it's a
big one.

We are going live this weekend and I don't know if we should considering
installing 305 before the go-live.

We have not experienced and significant problems with 304C but we are
only working in a testing environment.

When we go live we will have more people working and Vantage and it is
likely that the additional laod could expose of the issues that 305

On the other hand, with every new patch, new problems arise...



Joe Rojas

IT Manager

TNCO, Inc.

781-447-6661 x7506


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I would not recommend going live with a different version (patch level) than you tested with. When we went live with 803, we tested and went live with 8.03.304.
We found a problem and tech support said we needed 803.304b, which I installed. However, it caused other issues that were worse than the problems we already had. So, I'd stick with what you've tested. Wait for 305a or b to come out before upgrading to latest patch level.


Joe Rojas <jrojas@...> wrote: Hello,

I just finished skimming the change list for the 305 patch and it's a
big one.

We are going live this weekend and I don't know if we should considering
installing 305 before the go-live.

We have not experienced and significant problems with 304C but we are
only working in a testing environment.

When we go live we will have more people working and Vantage and it is
likely that the additional laod could expose of the issues that 305

On the other hand, with every new patch, new problems arise...



Joe Rojas

IT Manager

TNCO, Inc.

781-447-6661 x7506


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I Just installed and cannot get by DBs to start up.

--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, Pete Horner <phornerjr@...> wrote:
> Joe,
> I would not recommend going live with a different version (patch
level) than you tested with. When we went live with 803, we tested
and went live with 8.03.304.
> We found a problem and tech support said we needed 803.304b,
which I installed. However, it caused other issues that were worse
than the problems we already had. So, I'd stick with what you've
tested. Wait for 305a or b to come out before upgrading to latest
patch level.
> Pete
> Joe Rojas <jrojas@...> wrote:
> I just finished skimming the change list for the 305 patch and
it's a
> big one.
> We are going live this weekend and I don't know if we should
> installing 305 before the go-live.
> We have not experienced and significant problems with 304C but we
> only working in a testing environment.
> When we go live we will have more people working and Vantage and
it is
> likely that the additional laod could expose of the issues that 305
> corrects.
> On the other hand, with every new patch, new problems arise...
> Decisions...decisions...
> Thanks,
> Joe Rojas
> IT Manager
> TNCO, Inc.
> 781-447-6661 x7506
> jrojas@...
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