Looking for help with integrating Epicor 10 and Power Automate


Hello All,

Looking for some help in integrating Epicor 10 and PowerAutomate/Office365 Sharepoint.

Thinking of triggering workflows in Powerautomate based on sql event or bpm.

there are a wide range of answers here, but focus on REST API and Change Data Capture(CDC) available in E10 later versions and E11. You’ll need a ‘pipe’ for that communication to work through if you don’t expose your Appserver to the internet (don’t do it) - Azure VPN, App Gateway or App Proxy would be the answer.

if I recall correctly, there is a post somewhere here that is a primer on this exact topic, and another that talks through an example.

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Thanx for your reply Mike. We are actually looking for a consultant to help us implement this. Are you a consultant or would you know of someone that can help us get started. Thanx!

I’m not, sorry. I’ve done some exploration for a number of ideas I’ve had over the last year or so and have a good foundation to start from, but no practical application yet.

I would suggest you edit your post to make it very clear you are looking for consulting references. You question sounded like you were looking for help form the members here, not professional help.

Understood. Thanx again.

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Mike, do you have an app proxy in place by chance?

How are you using CRM outside of the LAN?

I do, but it’s currently for HCM and ECM, not CRM.
It wasn’t that hard to set up, so I’m working on getting ERP/CRM working the same way.