Long Term Schedules \ Price Changes

The majority of our customers have long term schedules that can run for years and which they generally update on a weekly basis for firm \ forecast orders. To process these we use Demand Entry and it all works great until we have a price change.

We have a couple of considerations when the prices change:

  • The historical data of the price that the part was when shipped (against SO-Line-Rel)
  • The size of the Sales Order really slows any changes down and also causes major speed issues on Customer Shipment Entry

Therefore when changing prices we generally use the ‘Create New Sales Order’ function in Demand Entry and add new lines and close the old ones. The issues we have are that Demand Entry only pulls through the current price so we can’t even set these up in advance ready for the changes. Does anyone else have customer orders that can last 5+ years, and how do you handle any price changes? Thanks :slight_smile: