Location for customized SSRS report RDL files

The Help section for customizing a report has you create a new folder, copying each RDL file of the report to be customized to the new folder - opening each original RDL file in Report Designer and using save as to make a copy.

Q1. Is there a reason that the customized RDL file can’t reside in the same folder as the original? If so, Q2 is moot.

Q2. Instead of opening each RDL file in Designer, I used the “download” function to copy each to source file to a temp folder, and then used “upload” in the new folder to bring them in. All done within SSRS report “webpage”. Any problem with doing that?

You should not put customized reports in the same folder as the main Epicor Reports they do not guarantee that on an upgrade your reports will remain where they are if you do that… (do so at your own risk)…

I recommend you create a folder insde the CustomsReport folder for each of the custom reports you are creating and work from there.You don’t have to use the Desginer or the Save as there are tools available to allow you to move /copy RDL’s around

Please note you will (maybe) have to correct the dataset for the reports after the move (if changing servers)

The help said to put the folders with your customizations at the same level as the originals. I.E.:

Or should there be a folder named “Custom Reports” at the same level as the reports folder, with the all the custom report’s folders in it?


  +- Reports (folder)
  |     +- ARInvoiceForm (folder)
  |     +- ARLetterofCredit (folder)
  |     +- ..... (and the rest of the original folders
  +- Custom Reports
        +- ARInvoiceForm-MISC (folder)
        +- ..... (and the rest of the folders for custom reports

The CustomReports at the root of the Reports folder (its already there, this is where BAQ Reports go normally) then in there create the folder… that folder is “Guaranteed” to be safe on upgrades

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Now there’s no reason to have separate folder for every single customization, is there?

I’m taking about two custom versions of a report that share the same RDD and sub reports. Like if you use two styles of the same report - one with pricing displayed, and another with it hidden.

No there’s not, but for organization sake you may want to

When you create a copy of the SSRS Report Style, Epicor automatically
copies the rdl and any dependent rdl files to a folder in the Custom Report
folder on the report server.


Brian M. Garver
Northern Concrete Pipe, Inc.

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My “Custom Reports” folder is a subfolder of “reports”. Would that get overwritten if I re-deployed the App in Epicor Admin Console with the SSRS reprts boxed checked?

No, that folder is “Safe”

There is a program that can help download/upload/sync the RDL files for you much quicker than one by one in the webpage. It also helps syncronize between Live/Test/Pilot etc
