List of warehouses on Move Inventory Request Program

Want to request a move of finished goods inventory from the main plant to one of our off-site warehouses using “Move Inventory Request”. Problem is the drop down list of warehouses does not include the warehouse we want to move the product to. We tried it for different employees and parts and the lists were different, but never the complete list of warehouses.

What controls the list of warehouses in the drop down list in the move inventory request program?
How do I get it to list all the warehouses?

Are the other warehouses located in another Plant/Site? If so, you would need to use the Shared Warehouse functionality in Site Maintenance/Configuration, but I would be 100% sure you want to share a warehouse before you set it up, since it can’t be undone once you’ve transacted.

Tyler, great answer. Unfortunately we have only one site. Based on your answer I checked the warehouses and there doesn’t seem to be any difference between them. For example, none are package controlled. The perplexing thing is that sometimes the drop down lists are different and we can’t tell if it has to do with the warehouse, the employee, the part, or part class or another parameter. But something, or some set of parameters is controlling (limiting) the drop down list to a subset of our warehouses.

It may be that the part doesn’t have those warehouses associated with it?

Bingo! That’s it. I just checked a bunch of parts and they have different warehouses associated with them. I didn’t know that you assigned sites to parts. I did it in test. So then I took a dummy part and assigned two warehouses. The move request warehouse list matched those warehouses. Then I added three more dummy warehouses and opened the move request again for that part - the list matched the updated warehouses associated with the part. Thank you, thank you, thank you.