List of epicor companies?

I’m just curious if there is a way to see what companies are using Epicor, (other than hacking into Epicor to get a list of their clients…:wink:). It’s interesting to see what types of companies are near you, or in interesting markets using the same software.

Epicor will not give out their customer list to anyone. Regional EUGs are not allowed to give out the list either.

If you belong to the EUG itself (not just as a regional member), you used to be able to see other customers that use Epicor on their site. I’m not sure if that is true today.

Attending a Regional EUG meeting will help you to network with others in your area though :wink:


Mostly the ones near where you live huh? :wink: :wink:

Seriously, there are some interesting companies on Epicor but best way is to attend area EUG meetings and Insights and network.


Yeah, we’ve been going to most of the user group meetings, and I went to insights this year which was awesome! Both have been pretty good for networking.

It’s funny how I’ll be looking at websites for companies that make stuff for my hobbies (Bike stuff, motorcyling, camping) or old job searches, and then find some little nugget somewhere that they use Epicor which I think is pretty interesting.


I see my favorite Epicor user everywhere:


I think I met their IT person years ago when I attended a user summit in Cleveland. I remember that they did a customer presentation for the summit. How can you forget a name like that…lol! :wink:

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Their bigasslights product sounds possibly explosive at first glance. :wink:

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Officially, I am not supposed to play favorites when it comes to our customers, but if I had to choose one of most interesting it would have to be this one


Nice rickroll!




@aidacra disapproving look :smile:


Redbull Racing - you can catch a glimpse of Epicor in their video

And (Publicly Traded Company - 500million+) because its Multi-Company, Multi-Site - 7 Companies and growing. The project itself was several years in the planning to move from AS/400 to Epicor. Utilizing all the Multi-Company Server Processes and Menu Securities - Service Connect etc…


They may or may not be a customer of mine. And +1 for Rick :slight_smile:

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Alright @aidacra, I’ll admit it, I clicked your link 4 times! Yes, that’s right, I ain’t ashamed…I’m trying to learn his totally rad dance moves! :sunglasses: I love me some good ole 80’s pop-music and jamming out to these super sweet tunes. :star_struck: (BTW, did anyone ever expose this kid for Milli-Vanilli-ing it!? That voice just does not match up! LOL)

I hear there is an entire foreign Empire thinking about switching their forces over to using Epicor…


sigh… you Rickrolled Rick… :frowning:


Oh girl… SMH.



LOL Oh come on, @Randy, you know you clicked it 5 times! :wink: We should have asked that country band at Insights to play one of Rick’s songs! I was amazed at the challenges you were throwing at them and what they were able to play…and VERY well, I might add. :grinning: They could have announced that they were going to play a Country song and then BAM! Rick Roll us All! LOLRH! :joy:

Yes, they were very good but some of the songs I requested weren’t supposed to be “challenges” they are/were pretty well known songs.

Umm, that’s pretty much Rick’s ONLY song. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Hold on was that an ex President behind the Bar?