Linking Job Traveler and Material Queue Reports together upon Job Entry Printout

Hopefully the information I provide is enough to give some insight on the issue I am facing. But currently my situation involves the process of a user completing a job in “Job Entry” and receiving an automated printout of the appropriate job traveler and a material queue report along with it. So far this is what I have completed:

**User navigates to job entry, searches for a job. Completes necessary details and checks “autoprint” checkbox and clicks save. 1 of 3 report styles are print for the job traveler.

  1. Part_Entry form has a custom tab with a field called “SKID_PROGRAM”
    -This field contains three values (SKID,BULK, or EMPTY) which calls three different Job Traveler Reports based upon the value
  2. Job Entry form has a custom check box field that is used to signal an autoprint of when the job is completed.
  3. A method directive is created: Template Example:


  1. Method directive is the following:
    Condition 0 - “There is at least one updated row in the ttJobHead table”
    Set BPM Data Field - “See the callContextBpmData.Character01 field of BPM Data to the ttJobHeadRow.PartNum expression”
    Execute Custom Code - “Synchronously execute custom”

------------------------------------------------Code Block----------------------------------------

string partNum = callContextBpmData.Character01;

if (partNum != “”)
var partRow = (from part_r in Db.Part where part_r.Company == Session.CompanyID && part_r.PartNum == partNum select part_r).FirstOrDefault();
if (partRow != null)
callContextBpmData.Character02 = partRow[“SkidProgram_c”].ToString();

------------------------------------------------Code Block----------------------------------------

Set Field 0 - “Set the ttJobHead.SkidProgram_c field of the changed row to the callContextBpmData.Character02”

  1. Next a data directive is created under “Job Head” Table.
    a. Start
    b.Condition 0 - “The ttJobHead.AutoPrint_c field has been changed from any to true” **My auto print check box
    c. Condition 1 - “The ttJobHead.SkidProgram_c field of the changed row is equal to the “YES” expression”
    d. Auto Print - "Automatically print Job Trav report with the selected option with rule

***Steps repeated for two more styles "BULK and “EMPTY”

Now if your still with me after reading all that. I somehow need to tie in the material queue report from material fullfillment to print alongside my 1 of 3 job traveler reports.