We are on and are beginning to work with tasks, task sets, etc.
In Epicor, is there the notion of linked task sets or "parent’ (though that’s really the wrong word) For example, let’s say we have two very different product lines (C = complex; S = simple)that task sets? I am envisioning a workflow and a sub-workflow.
require different sales processes, but there are some tasks which are common to both. I would like to be able to create a “mini” task set of the process steps that are common to both.
So… the simple work flow (for the S line) would be: D-E-F - L-M-N
The complex flow for the C (complex) line: B-C-D-E-F-G-H-L-M-N - Q
I would like to be able to create DEF and LMN each as a task set and then combine them with other task sets to create an overall workflow.
Out of the box, you create all possible Tasks the same way. Then you create Task Sets, which are made of tasks designated as Milestones and optional tasks designated as Related Tasks under the Milestones. For each Case/Quote/ECO, you pick which Task Set you want to follow. If you design the Task Set for it, you can also choose which Milestone you go to next after completing the current one.
If by workflow you mean the entire sequence of tasks attached to an individual Case/Quote/ECO, the easiest way would be to create a Simple Task Set and a Complex Task Set. Then you just have to pick which one at the start of the Case/Quote/ECO. DEF and LMN might each be a Milestone with related tasks, and you only have to copy or recreate them once when designing the Task Sets.
I would also love a response on this one. Since multiple task set could be shared in parent task set. For example, i would like to hva a task set for new customer, and one for new part. I would like to have multiple combination of parent task set where i would have :
new customer, new part
Created customer, new part
Created customer, created part
since the new customer could be used in 2 parent task set, a change would only be needed on the child set if needed
I was not able to figure out how to mix and match at the task set level so what I did was to create a set of tasks with very high sequence numbers (in the 100,000s). Each is a self-contained sub-process. Then, as needed, I can drop them into existing task sets. Just have ensure that there is a main-process task to get the user to the “sub process” and another main-process task to get the user back to where he needs to be once the sub-process is complete.
Task N has Task Q as its next step in this task set. In another task set, it might be different, depending on where the LMN sub-process can be inserted.
We use DMT, so I keep the LMN milestones in Excel and can drop them into any task set. I have to tweak the next step for N each time, but it beats having to re-create LMN every time. LMN is frequently way more than three tasks.