We have a purchase order created for a purchased part. Now a sales order has been entered and requires this purchased part. We want to link this sales order to the purchase order so that when it is received it can be used for this sales order. The only way we can see to link this sales order is to delete the line from the purchase order and add a new line using the order and line number. Does anyone have a better way of attaching a sales order to a purchase order?
You can add the order num and line to the PO line details. It doesnt really do anything special.
Edit: I take that back, if you enter it for stocked items, it does something, and if I recall, that messed some things up for us…
End Edit
If the part on the Order is not in the system, or is but not Qty Bearing, you can make a BTO PO line. Do this by making the line type ‘Other’ and enter the SO order number and line.
Some things to know about BTO items:
- cannot be a Qty Bearing part
- The PO line must be type Other
- the PO Qty is fixed to be the same as the order line qty (this can be an issue if your order is for 10, but you have to buy 12)
- upon receipt
- the GL for inventory is debited
- the qtys arent tracked (the item doesnt show on any SSR)
- when you ship the items
- must be a Customer order shipment tied to the order
- the GL for inventory is credited
@jillz got butt in here, sorry, and ask another related question. What if it was a situation where the customer was buying a part that was stocked, but needed some third party treatment done to it like… painting…for example? I’m curious.
Like if you stocked and sold anvils, and a customer wanted a gold plated one?
Were going to have one from your stock sent out for gold plating?
If so, then I’d
- Enter the part number you stock, with a suffix tacked on. Like ANV-001-CUST
- Make a job with no operations, and the one subcontract.
Or have a plating company buy it from your supplier (ACME, of course), plate it and supply it to you?
- Enter a P/N (like above) on the order, mark it as BTO
- Enter a PO to the plating company, with a line type of Other, and link it to the order line.