We’re implementing eCommerce and thinking about using Web Access Licenses for customer access so we can keep our standard full licenses for employee use. Our CAM says there’s instructions for setting that up in the REST Implementation Guide, but I cannot find anything. Does that sound familiar to anyone, and can someone point me in the right direction?
Page 67 of REST Services Guide v2, says you can stick it in the header as “License: {ClaimedLicense: “XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX”}” where xxxxxxx is the GUID of the license. It then goes on to say…
"The GUIDs of the most common licenses are:
DefaultUser = “00000003-B615-4300-957B-34956697F040” WebService = “00000003-9439-4B30-A6F4-6D2FD4B9FD0F”
You can obtain other specific license GUIDs from your .lic license file."
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Thanks for that feedback. After submitting my post I finally ran across that same info in a couple REST-related guides.