Question: Has anything changed in 10.2.300 regards licensing? I upgraded our system to 10.2.300.10 on Friday 23rd April, and since then most days at some point we’ve seen a message regards exceeding the maximum number of users.
We’ve not added any new staff, or had any changes to working patterns etc in the last week - the only thing to change is moving from 10.1.600.28 to current.
@mjfwagner raised a separate thread regards similar issue, but with changing between Companies which we aren’t doing.
If you go into an active admin console and go to sessions. Are you seeing a lot of duplicates inthere?
I wonder if you are using an external process that isn’t releasing licensing
We have 1 company, 2 sites. What happened to us after upgrading to 10.2.300.10 when a user logged into both sites within the same session, it uses 2 licenses, which is should not be doing. My work around for now was to only grant users the ability for multiple logins to my true global users like purchasing, finance and IT. Everyone else just gets single login. That has helped, but doesn’t solve the issue. Still working with CAM to push for an answer/solution.
Ok, don’t laugh - there are no duplicates in EAC. It probably means I do need to purchase more licenses, but possibly the change in 10.2.300 has been with regards the inactive session timeouts?
We recently upgraded to 10.2.300 as well. I’m noticing sessions in the Admin Console seem to come and ago whether the user is active or not. For instance, I saw a dozen or so active sessions on Sunday afternoon for users that are weekly office users. They likely left their clients running over the weekend.
FWIW, I’m running 10.2.300.11 in a test environment and 10.2.300.6 in production and do not have this same issue when moving between sites. Does the login window popup when clicking on a different site?
I do not know of anything that changed so either a bug was introduced (or eliminated).
There is a trace in the appserver.config - ice/fw/license I believe is the spelling. Turn that on and review the activity of folks claiming licenses and those returning them. See if you can make sense from that activity.
I have seen where someone changed the license claims across a bunch of users (when it was still named session timeout). They did not realize if would blow up their license usage.
I’ll pester some folks (the current maintainer of the area) and see if anyone has received reports on it.
I have an update on this. I requested a trial license from support to double the number of users on our license - this was issued with an expiry date, and allows me to track peak usage.
Using the trace logging that @Bart_Elia explained above, I have been able to demonstrate that the system is consuming 175% of our usual license count. Again, this is only after upgrading from 10.1.600 to 10.2.300.
Getting ready to start testing a 10.2.300 upgrade (from 10.1.400), and now I’m worried about this. Especially if user testing is done “here and there”, such that maybe never even half of the users are in 10.2.300 at the same time. Then we’d never see this, until we went live.
For folks that have seen this, was it apparent during testing, or only after going live?
Did your new system (10.2.200+) reside on the same server as the old system? We have new servers for 10.2.300 (both App and SQL).
Ran into exactly that - individual user testing was all good, because not many users logged in at once. Got the error on DAY 1, within about 30 mins of the normal working day start time for office users.!
I’m closing this topic, with the resolution that for us it all relates to EDD. EDD is set to auto refresh the Active Home Page on a timer, and this causes the user license for that user to be continually consumed even if they are away from their desk for an extended period, or gone home for the day with Epicor open behind the Windows lock screen.
Changed the auto refresh to disable it, and the problem went away.