Let's be kind by evolving from violent language

What other phrases can you add to the list?


w o w

Pretty sure “That’s not a bad idea” is just bad grammar, not violence. And if bad grammar makes you feel violent, the problem probably with you.

I think I’m out of touch with my generation, because this really doesn’t seem like a hill worth dying on.


(Also, I might be too much of an engineer. Perhaps this was supposed to be a funny meme and I took it serious)

Wokebot has become self aware and has taken over @hkeric.wci.


I can dig it. We don’t want this forum turning into a reddit or 4chan! <3

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HAHAHA “That’ll feed two birds with one scone!” This is just objectively better!

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Great, maybe the AI will finally give Humanity a definitive definition of, “Woke”.

When someone passes away I suddenly become hyper aware of anytime I say “My phone died” or “beat a dead horse,” etc. And then I feel awful and hope it went unnoticed.

But I’m pretty sure I am completely overreacting. Because I notice people even closer to the person that died, they will use the same phrases.

Also I was in the military and am a longtime fan of The Addams Family, so, I don’t plan to shy away from the battle analogies.


Well, this “Anna Taylor” individual would be offended. But I don’t know that you should care. People who think they can change reality by changing language are already living in such an illogical fantasy that you won’t ever be able to make them happy.


Speak for yourself. :stuck_out_tongue:

Fire Elmo GIF

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Lol, I tend to agree with him on this point.

Reddit → full of idiots.
4Chan → full of genius idiots, who you should NOT piss off.


Sure, if you browse r/All. Some of the niche subreddits are pretty dope. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll give you this one.

And then there’s /b/… We don’t talk about /b/runo.

Reddit’s full of teenagers and college students. Adjust expectations accordingly, though I will emphasize the kids these days are alright. Language is just about the only power they have to change the world and they’re trying to use it. They gave us “cringe” and for that, I am thankful.

FYI, old.reddit.com lets you filter r/all without paying for premium (upper right corner of the screen). In case you wanted to see what’s trending without getting stock tips from conspiracy theorists with gambling addictions.

As for OP, I think the better tip is not avoiding violent metaphors, it’s avoiding cliches. Saying either “let’s pull the trigger” or “let’s launch” makes you sound like a tool.


I saw this on my phone as I was getting ready for work and thought… I don’t have time for this, I’m gonna be cutting it close already.

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Just imagine Alec Baldwin on a new set and he says “Are we going to pull the trigger already?” instead of “Are we going to launch already?” :smiley:

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I can see that one!

His 30 Rock character has said worse IIRC…

Oh my goodness - I just heard someone use the expression Feed Two Birds with one Scone… and I thought of you @hkeric.wci.