LaborDtl Entry Method

Is there any field in the LaborDtl table table that indicates if an entry was entered via the Time and Expense screen rather than using MES?

Or is comparing the CreatedBy and ChangedBy fields going to be my best bet for that?

What I am trying to determine is how many records are being manually entered/manipulated via the Time and Expense screen vs how many are ‘organic’ records that are the user starting/ending activities in MES.

Try LaborDtl.LaborCollection

I think if that is true, it was via MES. If false, it was via Time Entry.

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I think you may be right with that. This is from the Data Dictionary for that field:

An internal flag that indicates if this record was created by the Labor Collection system. It does not have any specific purpose, but it would be nice to know in debugging situations.

I do have a good mix of 1’s vs 0’s for that field too.

I think I am going to run with that and try to find some real-world examples to compare to. Thanks, @dcamlin !

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