When trying to use REST to End Labor Activity if the activity was started before midnight and then ends after midnight, despite calculating the burden hours ourselves and passing it into the REST call payload Epicor sets burden hours to 0 without fail.
Example: employee clocks in at 11:30 PM and then does work and clocks out at 12:30 AM. They worked 1 hr. We pass the clock in and clock out time as well as burden hours, but Epicor sets Burden to 0 even though it sets labor hours correctly.
I think this is because there is no ClockOutDate field in the LaborDtl table. Have new versions of Epicor added a ClockOutDate? It seems incredibly short sighted to have only a clock out time and not having a date.
I’m gonna try to use “DtClockOut” in my REST call. But it’s weird that only records that go across midnight don’t respect the BurdenHrs we send them in the payload. It’s like once midnight happens all bets are off and the BO logic goes and calculates its own thing for BurdenHrs.