Labor Hrs = 0 on Time & Qty transaction where there is elapsed time

Hi, this is probably an easy question for those very familiar with this dataset. I’m trying to figure out why some of my labor transactions show 0.00 Labor Hrs when there is a difference between Clock Out and Clock In Minutes. I’m working on a query to show efficiency at the OpCode level.

Do you have use estimates checked on the resource group for that record?

Use Estimates

Select this check box to apportion the actual labor time reported against operations by using the estimated time on each operation. When an employee clocks into multiple operations on the same resource group at the same time, this functionality uses the estimated hours on each operation to calculate how much actual labor time to place against each operation.

If an employee is clocked into multiple operations within different resource groups – and one resource group has its Use Estimates check box selected, the application includes the operation estimates when applying labor against each operation.

This check box is available regardless of whether you calculate burden using either the Split Burden or Burden = Labor options.


P.T. Jones clocks into two operations at the same resource group which has the Use Estimates option selected on its record:

– The first operation has a run quantity of 5 with a production standard of 2 hours per piece for a total of 10 hours of estimated production.

– The second operation has a run quantity of 10 with a production standard of 2 pieces per hour for a total of 5 hours of estimated production.

P.T. Jones works for 9 hours total on both operations. The application apportions the time, assigning 6hours of labor to the first operation and 3 hours of labor to the second operation.

Hi Alisa,

No, Use Estimates is not checked for that Resource Group. So with this checkbox being unchecked, this means that LaborHrs are only recorded when an employee is clocked into one operation at a time?

No if its unchecked that means the employee’s time can be double counted. i.e. I clock into one job, then clock into another, and the time is running on both jobs at the same time. So the employee can record 4 labor hours while working for 2 clock hours.

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On the jobs in question, is the Labor Entry field on the operation set to Quantity Only?

No, these are Time and Qty

Do you have any breaks or lunches defined on your shifts? If labor is entered over a break or lunch, the Labor Hours do not increase during that time.

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Interesting… this actually lines up for the Employee from the screenshot. The work was recorded during their “break”.