Kitting issues, I need to get rid of the kit components on an invoice

One of my action items is to find out what the kitting module doubles costs. Example, Kit 1 is made up of part 1, part 2 and part 3. The costs of the 3 parts roll up to the Kit 1 costs. All good and dandy. Pack slip is created and only shows Kit 1 part number. Then invoice time, the invoice shows Kit 1 with all of the Kit components below it. In the past, we have invoiced as is that has doubled costs because the costs of the components will show in the sub ledgers as well as the rolled up costs of the Kit part number.

We deleted the components to invoice but that did not work as it still showed up in the ready to invoice que. Is there a way to fix this or to invoice those components without it bringing in cost.

Is this an invoice issue or a report issue?


It hitting the sub ledger sounds like it’s either setup wrong or just wrong in general. We want the cost rolled up to the Kit number, but when we use the Kit module, it keeps the components on the shipper and invoice. That is when the cost get’s doubled. When we invoice it snags the cost of each of the lines on the invoice.

Hi Clifton,

How do you have the kit setup on Part maintenance? We use parent pricing per below, and we like to see the components so have “print components” checked
When we invoice customer gets charged price of parent part and not individual components. Cost of component parts goes into the parent cost rolled and get accounted that way.
Maybe show screenshot of your part maintenance setup and what your invoice details / edit list look like?

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Here is a screen shot of the invoice. It pulls in the details (customer doesn’t care one way or another) and that is when it attracts cost to each detail.

Hi Clifton,

I unchecked print components and tested through and have same result as you. I get the kit components on the invoice details at $0, as you show above. The accounting looks good however. The component costs go to stk-kit transactions and then the kit rolled cost goes out the door in Kit-Cus transaction.
Note, The standard SSRS report also prints the components despite uncheck on print components. Apparently I suppressed them on our Crystal custom report some years back… so we are not getting them on there.
Is it possible that the action of the user deleting the $0 invoice detail lines manually caused your accounting problem? Perhaps this caused an additional get shipment on the components. If so then maybe just tell AR person ignore the zero dollar component lines and then fix your report to suppress them and you’re good to go?


I’m still trying to figure out how to suppress them but the fact remains, the components are hitting the sub-ledger and causing double.

From what it sounds like, it’s doing the same for you and you just suppress them?

Hi Clifton,

I’m not sure. I doubt it because accounting would be complaining about this if it were, i believe. We are using standard costing. Could this matter?
Where are you looking at the transactions and seeing double? Is it happening every time or just when they have “manually deleted the components to invoice” per your original note?
We are suppressing the invoice detail lines for kit components on the crystal report only.


One way to find out is if you pull up the margin report and look for those components and see if costs comes over.

Did you happen to look at yours?

Hi Clifton,

I’m not really sure what report you mean by “margin report”. Assuming you mean the “Sales Gross Margin” report, yes we do see the costs of the individual components on the SSRS report. However, they are not used in the margin calculation on the KIT parent line in the report nor are they used in the margin calculation on the invoice. Frankly, it seems useful to me to show the individual component system costs so that I can see if my current KIT standard cost looks reasonable…


Interesting. Does the total costs show the costs with those details? Essentially doubling cost just not margins?

So you mean does the total cost of the KIT parent part show a cost from the sum of the Total Cost of the components?

Nope. The KIT cost is the one for the KIT on the Part Tracker Costs tab, Std Material Cost. This is from the last cost roll on it.

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