What feedback does everyone have on Kinetic view? Majority of my users run into errors at times, which ends up forcing them to switch back to classic view. Has anyone else experienced similar issues?
Make as much use of the Feedback button as possible. They do seem to be monitoring it.
my feedback
not running any custmisation, and it is very slow compared to the classic view
Is anyone running Kinetic OUTSIDE of the .Net client, i.e. logging into the browser and comparing speeds that way? Running Kinetic inside the the rich client is the worst of both worlds IMHO.
i do not exactly what you mean Mark, but we are not on the cloud yet, i am comparing between the two views within my local domain (on prem), however, is not running EpicorWeb from the web browser using Kinetic view by default ?, it is the same results (very slow).
Yes, I was very surprised how much faster it was to access directly in a browser. Not sure what the issue is with the .Net client, a webview shouldn’t perform that much worse.
This works for cloud and on-prem (which is how it should be):
Open a browser window, enter the Epicor URL for your instance:
https://<your servername as it appears in the certs>/<instance>/Apps/ERP/Home/#login
my feedback:
use EWA UI (revamp it) on top of the Kinetic Engine.
The original Kinetic v1 design with the orange seemed to be much better, not sure what happened to your designer.
never use this before i use the EpicWeb on the browser
and this extremely slow.
i have tried your suggestion it lunches quick and take me to a home page but all greyed out, does it require an adds on licence or special setting?
You need Epicor Data Discovery (EDD) installed to get the graphs. The home page is configurable so you don’t need EDD for it to work but that’s the default layout.
Not sure why your menu is different than the Education menu. Maybe there is a (free) license that isn’t enabled. From Top to bottom: Home | Search | Menu | Favorites | Recent | EDD
By the way, this is 10.2.700. 10.2.400 may be different - if your signature is reporting correctly.
yes, 700 is different view for sure, but i think i should be able to launch/Edit my version as it got EDD enabled by default
Had to switch back to classic for Bank Statement Processing yesterday. In classic viewing the edit list and posting is not a problem in Kinetic both the edit list and post throw an error. I submitted feedback hopefully it’s acted on.
We are giving feedback also through the forms as there seem to be a lot of issues.
I believe there are a few reports we cannot even run and and also get errors when posting in a few screens so we had to switch to classic.
We have been deploying dashboards in both Classic and Kinetic. We are also a public cloud SaaS client. Every Epicor update seems to break the location link to the Kinetic Dashboard (on both the SmartClient and Web Access), causing an Error when attempting to load.
I have had to re-deploy the Kinetic dashboards. My kinetic dashboard do run faster on the web access compared to the SmartClient.
I have tried both - yes, the browser-based is much quicker, but the applications aren’t baked enough to test from a fundamental standpoint; too many menu items show, but don’t start because they’re not Kinetic. The ones that ARE Kinetic work, but selecting ‘open with’ replaces window content instead of opening a new window (maybe a setting I’m missing?).
From the client-based standpoint, were were testing with an intent to use Kinetic trackers alongside the base application, but found that we can’t ‘open with’ from the part tracker part field (which doesn’t make any sense from an object model standpoint), and just seeing that undermined the testing dynamics. Also, working Kinetic open-withs seem to open non-Kinetic trackers. I’m going to implement .700 Kinetic-free.
I believe Epicor should have taken the time to create a separate menu structure for Kinetic, and kept it separate from standard client functionality. Field context menus should be tied to specific top-level menus to have the behavior follow. This would also make sense to limit functionality if a company were to create separate ‘customer’ and ‘vendor’ portal menus for external users, and limited functionality.
I would wager the reason they didn’t was they didn’t want such a big learning curve for the UI. Introducing Kinetic over several versions might make it less jarring to the users. I’m guessing the Kinetic Home page is that separate menu structure. I don’t see the old menu tree moving forward.
I think the slow bake will go over better than the rapid move from Vantage 6 to Vantage 8 where they did a big cut over. I guess we’ll see.
Agreed on the concept of shortening the learning curve, but the practical testing side didn’t build confidence.
Most of our team is making big use of multiple linked open screens (transactions, time phase, pricing) tied to parts via OM, methods and job materials. I haven’t been able to open multiple Kinetic web-based windows to confirm those concepts will work, and have run into a couple of kinetic bugs that will be fixed in R11 - which strikes me as odd. Almost like pushing a cut to R11, over keeping the kinetic objects in both R11 and .700 code bases in sync.