Kinetic UI

I am not sure why anyone enjoys working with the new kinetic UI?
Example Job Entry
Demand tabs now go down the screen rather than in classic across the screen
In Classic I can view the demand tabs and maintain views of the details of the job entry

Using the kinetic UI once you go on the journey of scrolling down for everything the job entry view is lost.

Seems like its not developed for the users of the system


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Faulty assumption lol. You can make suggestions (and vote for other people’s suggestions) to improve it.

“Enjoy” is a strong word. :sweat_smile:


Hi Leslie,

Take a look at this post and check if that screen has been reworked on the soon upcoming 2023.1 version


What she’s describing will not change without user intervention and a custom layer.
Cards are still a thing and what she’s describing is still the case in 2023.1.

Thanks that gave my a giggle

Not sure why it should be considered as my idea? Epicor got it right in Classic messed it up in Kinetic
think someone would be smart enough to see its a backward move not an improvement

Don’t think of it as “your” idea, but merely an idea.
It’s Epicor’s way of gauging interest in features/changes/enchancements/etc.

There are plenty of folks that work at Epicor that see that, but sometimes management wins over logic.


I agree

Well there is this thing about opinions and Shrek Film Smile GIF by PeacockTV

Best you can do is make your voice heard.

we have some additional changes in-route for 2023.2 that will make the demand screens on the Job Entry application much more user friendly. we are further reducing the need for scrolling, and even eliminating some of the multiple cards in Job Entry (safe harbor).


@josecgomez Can we get a Safe Harbor badge for @timshuwy?


I saw a preview of what they are doing to improve things, they are working to remove a lot of the scrolling. Make things more compact. As mentioned in another reply you might review the changes they have planned. It is encouraging.

They still have a long way to go to make life easier for people that do heads down data entry. A lot of mouse work remains to get things done.

I only saw the recording so wasn’t able to ask, what are they doing to ensure people that have difficulty using a mouse can navigate the screens?


I was picked to review some new functionality and they were looking to allow stacking of cards (safe harbor). If they do roll it out, it was really nice.

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I only saw the recording so wasn’t able to ask, what is being done to ensure people that have difficulty using a mouse can navigate the screens?

Understandably, they are working on the technical foundation first. You are correct. The future looks promising. It’s just going to take some cycles to get there. I think Jim was there during the move from VB6 to the .NET Client. That was a rough start and there was no option of living in both places. If you would have said then that someday people wouldn’t let you pry that client from their cold dead hands, I would have laughed in your face. :rofl:

Here is a sample of Kinetic 2023.1 Stacked cards… more to come elsewhere. This has only been implemented a few places in Kinetic 2023.1, but we will continue to expand its use in 2023.2, and version two will look even better (safe harbor)


Cant Speak Nathan Fillion GIF

You know what if naming them this is what it takes to get them back… I’ll embrace it :joy:


The reason that they are called stacked cards is because you will eventually be able to stack/unstack the cards based on your preference. This is different than “TABS” which the old Smart client had. SOooo… technically, they are still cards, but you can stack them.


You mean like this?



@timshuwy , I’m just messing with you. I love it, I don’t care what they are called!

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Yea… kinda like that, only remember that we also have the Navigation tree at the left now… and the nav tree will be affected by stacked cards.

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