Kinetic Tree View and Application Studio Application Map

Has anyone had trouble finding the correct location on the Application Map to edit. For example, I am trying to add a UD field into the Supplier - ACH (tab in classic, but panel card in Kinetic). When I am looking at the application, the panel card does not show up in the tree view. When I am looking in Application Studio, ACH panel card does not show up in the Application Map.


Application Studio (when editing the Details box), it does not let me add a new text box:

What steps am I missing (or not navigating to properly), in order to edit the ACH Payments panel card found on the Supplier form?

Hi @BKen, the ACH Payments panel card is on the Details page and this is where you can edit it. To be able to add a text box or combo box or a similar component, you first need to add a “container” component into the panel card - for example, a column.

If you want to display a link to this panel card in the app nav tree at runtime, select the Advanced > Enable FullScreen View option in the panel card properties in App Studio. This will create a virtual page for this panel card’s full-screen view and add it to the Application Map in App Studio. However, you won’t be able to access this virtual page from the Application Map to edit it. It’ll just appear in the structure for you to be aware of it.

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Thank you Ruslan,
I think I was forgetting to add a container and was trying to cram another text box into the exiting container that already holds the Entry Class Code (and I was unable to do so).
Adding a 1 column container below the Entry Class Code and then dropping a Text Box in and then setting my EpBinding to my UD field did the trick. One difference I ran into is the table on Classic was VerdorDetail and in Kinetic it was just Vendor, so my EpiBinding in Classic was VendorDetail.ACH_Remit_Email_c and in Kinetic the EpBinding became Vendor.ACH_Remit_Email_c