Kinetic Trace Helper Utility 1.0 (Kinetic Web) Chrome Extension

After seeing various discussions around tracing for Kinetic

And seeing how popular the Trace Utility Parser was

@jgiese.wci and I decided to start experimenting with a Chrome extension that would bring back / help with some of that functionality in the Kinetic Universe.

V1 Launch 10/31/2023

Here’s a Walk Through of the Functionality in Relase V 1.0

We have submitted to Chrome for Web Store approval but that may take a few weeks. In the meantime you can side load here’s the install zip we will update this with a link to chrome store once appoved.
Color me gobsmacked the extension has been approved and published to the Chrome Web Store :tada::tada::tada:

Follow regular extension install instructions then, you should then see it in your installed Extensions:

V1 Features

  • Enable / Disable Capture on demand per site
  • Capture all outgoing and incoming JSON requests from Kinetic Client to Server
  • Group Requests by Business Object and Method
  • Generate CURL Equivalent of a Given Request
  • Import to CURL Command to Postman
  • Save Trace Dump
  • Load Trace Dump


If you run into issues have questions or have an idea for a enhancement please reply to this thread and we’ll do the best we can to accommodate.


This isn’t an officially supported Epicor tool it was developed by us for the community and our own use.

We do not transmit any data captured by the extension anywhere outside of your browser. This is strictly for internal testing and tooling and we cannot guarantee that will work, that it won’t break anything. We make no claims at all, use at your own risk we aren’t responsible if this extension eats your children or anything in-between. This is a toy and a tool for us to play.

As @Mark_Wonsil said be careful with these traces they contain your token and everything else SO BE CAREFUL :imp:

Known Issues

  • To enable tracing your development tools needs to be attached at the bottom / right of the page otherwise the host page won’t notice the change.

But can it, though?
Asking for a friend.

I don’t think so, the security mechanism around browser extensions explicitly forbids eating children’s (and doing ANYTHING remotely useful thanks a lot Manifest V3)… but just in case… keep them away… Or DONT?.. I guess depending on the desired outcome.

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I love it already,

Playing International Cat Day GIF by Storyful


I read this as ‘security masochism’. I think security is more of a sadist, personally.

This has less value. Sad.

This is super helpful! Thank you Jose!

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Thanks, we are making improvements and adding features if you can think of any feature you’d like to see let us know (can’t make any promises)

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Here’s an idea for a feature that I would find useful. I don’t have the technical skill to evaluate whether it’s possible, or if it has any security implications beyond what most would find acceptable:

  • On the Request side, make the body of the request editable and able to be resubmitted from within the extension, highlighting the new call in the list so that it’s obvious that it’s a modified call.


  • On the Request side, add a button that when clicked, takes the user to the Swagger page for the Class/Method in the selected call. On click, copy the body of the original call to the buffer so that when you get to the Swagger page and enter the company and api key, you can just paste the formatted request into the Request Body section and modify/test as needed.

Either implementation would allow a user to troubleshoot API calls more quickly.


Sheesh! what a cool request!

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I could probably give you a button that generates that request as a Postman call… and then you’d use Postman to make the request… would that work?



Not to take work away from Jose, but we’re going to have to call his work :rofl:

Including just so people know this does exist in other places:


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It’s been skinned and themed

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Give it the Dracula theme!

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That was my first choice as the default but then I switched to Monokai for various reasons.

@jgiese.wci Skinned it alive and we added some new features so I present

V 0.5

  • New UX Experience
  • Enable / Disable
  • Save to File
  • Load from File
  • Hide / Show Headers
  • Generate CURL Command (thanks for the neat request @spaceage )


Download: (407.8 KB) V0.5

Strip out authentication headers? That would be nice.

It’s already there :slight_smile: that’s part of the new feartures we added you can strip out
CallContext, Auth, and Session headers (if you chose to)

But… if you leave them in, you have a 1 click import into Postman that works and uses your TOKEN…

So Excited Reaction GIF by Originals

Security <> Convenience

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OK, we’ll have Nun of that young man.