Kinetic Panel Card Grid

We have this custom dashboard which slides out on a button click on quotes and orders…

its attached to a UBAQ and functionally it works perfectly and as it should! (not bad for Epicor :wink: )

however to add a new line to this list, we have to click the + icon in the top every time, and some times there can be anywhere from 1 to 100 lines of data to enter into this grid.

is there any way to simply press the enter button like you can in classic to make the data entry less painful?

You could do a trace and find that last action that happens after a new row is added, then add an event that fires after that … and call the event that fires when clicking New (+) to get the next one immediately … and then you can set which field gets focus, if needed.

I feel like I’ve seen problems with calling the New event like this, but I can’t remember (and I’m still on 2023.2, so things might have changed in the last year)

Press CTRL+ALT+H to bring up the shortcuts menu.
You can click Edit and change the shortcut for Add New to be Enter (probably). I didn’t actually test this.


no ‘new’ shortcut…

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How about right clicking and choosing “Paste New”?


I want our customers to eventually fill out an order request form which will allow cooy and paste new from an excel template and this works fine as i have tested it.

It just seems silly that this functionality is in classic but not kinetic…it seems thats been the case with a few things though!

I feel an epicor idea coming on :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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At the moment a bit beyond my technical capabilities! But thank you for the suggestion! This may help someone else!!!

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