Kinetic Module Analysis - What is in each module?

We just completed a business process review with an epicor consultant. He showed us a two-sided form called Kinetic Module Analysis, that shows all the modules we purchased, out of the entire list of modules available. We are trying to figure out what is included in each module, but can’t find an easy reference. I was told to go to Epicweb, but I don’t see an easy way to find what I need.

Do I have to look up each module one-by-one? For example, what is include in the Financial Management >Asset Module, or the Production Management > Quality Assurance Module, or the Planning by Revision module in Planning and Scheduling Management?


It is probably best for you to contact your Customer Account Manager (CAM) to determine exactly what you have and don’t have. depending on when you purchased the software, different modules were bundled together and/or sold separately. For example, back in the olden days, we had customers who didn’t purchase “advanced Engineering” because it was offered as a separate license. Advanced Engineering is what allows you to directly access Engineering Workbench from the menu, and also allows for multi-level BOMs and Multiple Revisions… But many years ago, we stopped selling it separately, and if you buy Kinetic, you automatically get Advanced Engineering.

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It is absolutely best to hit up your CAM for this. First of all, it is literally their job to explain your bill to you. Second, it’s their job to pitch modules to new and existing customers, so they either have a very good idea of why you need it, or they can call up their own resources for the more arcane details.

Most people here in the community have added modules here and there, and might even know what module X is supposed to do for you. CAM’s are the paid, trained people who parse requirements and pitch modules every day. And by “paid” I mean your annual support funds this resource. Use it.

Don’t get me wrong. Our CAM is constantly trying to sell us more modules or seats. But he doesn’t understand the modules, or what is in them. He always passes me off to someone else. When I asked the question above he said go look it up on EpicWeb. It seems like the modules should be listed coherently someplace so I can show my manager the list, and at least some information about what the module enables for us in Epicor. I am not so much interested in what we have now, as I am what is available for adding on. Modules aren’t even really listed properly in EpicWeb as far as I can tell. Honestly, I hate dealing with our CAM and avoid it if at all possible. (You think this will get back to him?) :grimacing:


Same experience here. Can’t even get a list of how much each one is costing us.

There are white papers that highlight the features of each major module. There’s also the main Epicor overview white paper too… And your license tab in the admin console should show what you do or don’t have.

That’s frustrating about your CAM! He should be helping, not making extra work for you. Ask him to show you exactly where on EpicWeb. Worst case, get the escalation list (on EpicWeb of course!) and ask for a new CAM.


You would think. There is literally no place anybody can find this information.


Hi Nate. It sounds to me like you are looking for the following. If not, then I don’t know anything else to suggest.

Enterprise Resource Planning Catalog


That’s marketing info. It would be great if you could find all the screens, processes, etc. enabled by a given module.

Yeah, I suppose, but ultimately, isn’t EVERYTHING marketing information??? Even not being able to find adequate documentation is second-hand marketing information, especially when it’s called out here on a forum that is publicly available and searchable!!!

Btw, here’s a link for the most recent version of the catalog. FWIW!

Kinetic 2023.1 Enterprise Resource Planning Catalog

So, the zDataField table indirectly has this info. It’s a mere 148,888 rows in 2022.2…

There’s a column for “Required Modules” that’s a GUID. I don’t know how to translate the GUID to a module name.

Maybe some detective work could suss it out.

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If only everyone at Epicor knew everything about the product, all of our problems would be solved. sounds like a training issue. :rofl:

Epicor has a process where they bring sales engineers and your cam onsite, no charge I believe, do review if you are making the most of your Epicor investment. They will recommend using some of the existing modules or offering suggestions on others. CAMs are usually good at getting you to the right people, however spending a day with epicor might be useful.
I have heard great things from the people who have done this, i just forget what epicor calls this. Sorry, i don’t know everything :rofl:

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We did this, it was very good. I recommend every one doing this.

Customer Value Exchange Workshop

I presumed that Nate was referring to exactly that when he wrote “a business process review with an epicor consultant”, but perhaps he meant something else.

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We did a BPTR, but it definitely wasn’t free! Epicor sold us a consultant and setup all the logistics on their end. We just paid the bill and waited for the INTENSE 3-day meeting.

This works on modules you own:

FROM ice.ZDataField
	LEFT JOIN ice.EnabledModule
		ON ZDataField.RequiredModules = EnabledModule.FeatureID
WHERE RequiredModules <> ''

EnabledModule, as its name suggests, only contains modules you own and have enabled. So you’ll get null results for things you don’t have.

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Thanks @ScottLepley! couldn’t recall the name.

I used to do the CVEW Workshops and Business Process Reviews in my previous life, and they have different purposes with different expected outcomes.

A Customer Value Exchange Workshop is meant to be a day of higher level meetings with the different departments to understand the issues or hinderances they are experiencing. This is then distilled into recommendations and presented on the second day. It’s not meant to be a sales pitch, but if new modules would help resolve the stated issues then they are presented. The goal of this visit is to leave the users with a high level playbook for how to improve their system.

A Business Process Review is done by an experienced consultant and is a very deep dive into the process areas to give very specific recommendations for improvement, and maybe even implement some of the simpler ones, if time allows. The output of these sessions is a very detailed report on recommended improvements to make, and potentially a list of new modules to review to address issues.

The one costs money because it is more intense with a deliverable at the end, as Nate experienced. The other doesn’t cost money as it’s more of a relationship building event that will have some tangible outcomes with ongoing meetings/touchpoints, most likely. A business process review may even be a recommendation given during the value exchange if that team feels that a deeper dive is needed to understand what changes really need to be made.

Being on both sides of the table now, I highly recommend the Value Exchanges if you can organize your company to do it. They can help generate momentum within the business to enact changes you’ve probably wanted for a long time. It also helps you know who to contact at Epicor when you need additional help.