Kinetic Menu / Classic Menu conflicting?

Preface, we will be updating to 2024.1 in the next month so this may be a short lived problem that is fixed in a few weeks.

We have Company 1 instance where all users still use Classic/Modern screens.

We have another Company 2 that we are bringing into the system that will go live with the web / kinetic UI in October.

When we have both Customizations active on the menu item for Part Maintenance (only happening with this screen so far, others are working fine) it keeps reverting the Classic customization to the BaseExtension rather than the set customization. No clue why. Anyone run into this in Epicor 2022.2 and have a fix? Company 1 is not ready to transition to Kinetic UI yet and have a lot of company specific customizations on their classic layer.

Edit - Screen is set Form to Use Classic temporarily while the Kinetic version is In Development and will turn to User Choice in October. However, we are building the layers on our Live instance so we don’t have to worry about duplicating work as far as custom fields, etc go and can just copy the db down to our test instances.

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This may not work for you all, but I set up separate menu items for the select few that I want to be able to still easily open in Classic:


I was hoping to avoid that, as that would mean we’d need to have 2 context calling entries and process calling entries as well on such a heavily used screen. But that does solve it.