Kinetic: iteration that creates a list

Hello All

Could you kindly help me to find a way to create a list so can I can pass that list to a BAQ?

I’m trying to create a dashboard where the user select multiple values that are going to be passed as a parameter (list separated by commas)

I already tried to use selection-list control but the selected values are not going to be saved anyware so I couldn’t find a way to get the selected values.

so what I’m doing so far is using a DataView-Condition to create a iteration, and updating a column to assign the value, the thing I don’t know how to do is the expression to concatenate what ever I have stored in the column and add the next iteration value and separated by a comma, I tried stuff like:


“{key1}{if matches.key1.value},{matches.key1.value}{/if}”

thanks a lot

Untested… never done it.

But this “approach” was discussed just the other day. May be similar to what you’re looking to do.

thank you David

that is exactly what I’m trying to do, unfortunately I don’t know how to do this part: "The iteration event would need to format the values to each be wrapped in single quotes and comma-delimited "

not sure how to manage that expression, do you?

thanks a lot

I don’t think you can drop the dataview name in the expression - can you?
Try "{TransView.DeptList},'{matches.JCDept}'" to add one item to the existing list … as long as you add the first item a different way … or remember to ignore the leading comma

that one works, thanks Jonathan, I got this:


still not sure how to fix the undefined part