(Andris Skulte)
November 7, 2022, 6:15pm
Some UI’s don’t have the ‘view change log’ icon available, but all (at least the one’s I’ve needed) had the ability to add change log recording via a data directive.
We are able to add change log icon in toolbar for forms which don’t have change log enabled. I did it for Non Conformance and worked well- like base change log in part. Thanks to our group per: .
While converting this functionality in kinetic layer, I start looking at Part- but can’t find change log in details > tools. When we click on change log, it will open up slider panel for change log. I am not able to trap and debug for the ve…
Greetings All.
Working on E10, version User wants to manually add to change log. I have BPM to collect data, so the viewer is accurate. The “New” icon does not work in Viewer, so I am wondering if that is even an available option. Any of you folks know if it is a rights issue or a somethin’ somethin’?
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