Kinetic Function Output Parameters - can't get to work

Running Kinetic 2023.1.10 in the Epicor cloud.

Not sure what’s going on, but I can’t seem to get a very, very simple function to recognize the response parameters. I create a function with just one response parameter called “outParm” of type System.String.

For the function, I’ve tried two approaches. One was a function with custom code with one line:

this.outParm = "Test";

The other was a widget driven function with the widget setting the parameter to the value of “Test”.

When I run either of these functions through Schedule Epicor Function, they throw an error to the system monitor:

System.ArgumentException: Unknown parameter: 'outParm'.

I’ve tried promoting the library to production. In the custom code, I used the context menu to add the “this.outParm” (saw that was an issue from a previous post). Am I missing something real simple?

Did the function originally have an output parameter?

There are bugs in the function designer.

Sometimes you have to finagle it.

Try commenting out the code, removing the parameter, and saving.

Add it back, save, add the code back and save.

Or just remake it.

You can also export the library to json and fix it and reimport, but you’d have to know what you’re looking at.


Solution is “There are bugs in the function designer”. I assumed the function designer was a bit more developed at this point.

The code was made fresh just for this example. Literally, created a new custom code function, added the output parameter, and added the one line of code to set it to a value. Everything compiled clean. Just the runtime error. It’s been a while since I’ve created a function with output parameters, was thinking perhaps I had a brain fart and missed an easy step.

We’ll be on 2023.2 before long, maybe it will be mysteriously fixed then. In the meantime, I had a few different ways to address my core solution, so I’ll move onto plan B.