Kinetic form - numeric control selects text in the middle of an entry

Hey folks,

I have a Kinetic form based on UD04 that has a bunch of controls, including 48 sets of three that are a part number, scale weight, and bin location.

When I tab from the part number to the weight field and then begin to type the number, sometimes the number I’ve entered so far is selected and then the next number I enter deletes the selection.

So, an entry of 123.45 might become 3.45.

Here’s a section of the screen:


There are only 17 valid part numbers to be used here so I have them reading in at form load into a dataview for validation of the part instead of using the standard resusable combo setup, which was very slow.

The numeric control is bound to a UD field on UD04, but other than that has no validation or any other action.

I may have to switch to a Classic version of the form, but I surely don’t want to.

Any experience here?



Hey Joe! I won’t pretend to be an expert in this. I just got my first UD kinetic form up and running (kind of): Data Entry Form in Kinetic - Kinetic 202X - Epicor User Help Forum (

I had bad results setting epibinding to my UD table. This very well may be a good route to go, but I couldn’t make it work right. Instead, I bound all my controls to TransView.myVariableName. It might help in your case too! Of course, you then have to move the data from TransView into your UD table.

I am curious what you come up with!