Kinetic favorites crash when clicked from wrong comapny

Just started using the Kinetic menu (version 10.2.700.28) after migrating from classic.

When I have a shortcut in Kinetic that is set for a specific company and I am in another company, when I click the shortcut Epicor crashes.

Example I have many favorites that I had in classic that were specific to the company. Often I would have two shortcuts to a screen, one shortcut per company.

Now with Kinetic if I’m in the other company and try to open the other company specific shortcut, Epicor crashes and becomes unresponsive.

Is this a known issue and if so is there a fix for that behavior? Or maybe it’s fixed in a newer version of Epicor/Kinetic?

Hi Scott,
I’ve tried to replicate the error within our companies but mines seems to work fine.
Do you have this ticked?

No it’s not clicked. And that’s my question.

I thought the promise of setting the Company and Site in the boxes below that checkbox would allow the favorite to open without having to go through the rigamarole of switching companies.

It’s at least 5 more clicks and a bunch of mouse travel distance to switch company then click back to the favorite rather than just click the correct company specific favorite shortcut.

I’ve done what you’ve done & the only way I can get it to work is after the first screen is clicked I have to then click Home & then click on the second shortcut and it’ll switch companies.

That worked! Clicking the “home” icon in the top left, then clicking on the other company shortcut no longer crashes Epicor/Kinetic.

That’s a good work around for sure. I put a ticket into Epicor support maybe they can fix it for real.


Ctrl + click on Favorites shortcuts seems to work with tabs, both screens simultaneously open next to each other, two different companies.