Kinetic Dashboard free text block?

Converting a few basic dashboards to Kinetic. The grid portion is fairly straight forward. We also like to include a definitions tab on the dashboard, so that folks can see quickly what the BAQ is filtering out.

Something like this.

Is there a tool to drop in the editor to do free flow text? The information was on custom labels, just seeing if there a better tool in the toolbelt to accomplish this. I am also trying to move the definitions onto the main tab so that all the information is there to see instead of clicking on tabs.

Any ideas would be appreciated.


Labels are still the go-to for this.

Well That …

Time to create an Epicor Idea…

What are you looking for? More like a Text Area control, but in the style of a label?

Something like that. A way to write some formatted text would be utopic.

I get that it isn’t easy peasy as the controls are associated to a dataview.

Some ideas we used in the past was to use a UD table to store the text, just think that is a bit harder to maintain.

It would be pretty cool if there was a control that was able to take HMTL or Markdown syntax or something. I can’t imagine it would be that hard?

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If it is static text (not based on the BAQ paramters or results), could you type it up in what ever program, take a screen shot, and place an image in the form? Maybe even get crazy and link it to a stored image, for easy maintenance.