Kinetic Customization in Menu Maintenance - No UD menu needed :)

We were going down the path of creating custom UD menus for every Kinetic screen we were customizing. Something did not sit well with that… I was talking to another Vantage/Epicor/Kinetic expert and we found out you DO NOT have to create all those UD menus.

To associate a customization to a Kinetic screen, use the Kinetic version of Menu Maintenance (better yet, use the web version it’s much faster).

In the Kinetic Menu Maintenance screen you can select a different customization for Kinetic vs Classic - that way if you give your users the option to run either they will get a custom screen.

As a reminder, Epicor is not retrofitting classic screens for new functionality in Kinetic. Now that the tools menus are all being converted, it pays to check them out and see what else we can find to make our jobs easier :slight_smile:



:nauseated_face: :face_vomiting:

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Is there a function that enables this ability? I see these options but they are greyed out…

You need to use the menu to “Copy to current company.” Then you can edit it.


Is there something else that needs to be done to enable Kinetic Customization?

Just click the search icon. The field is grey, but you can search and apply your layer.

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I had to log out and then log back in so that the layer appeared in the search list.

Thanks all!

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