Kinetic Combo Box Binding UDCodes Blank

Hi there,

We are looking to update all of our customisations to Kinetics (10.2.700.16) and I’m experiencing a strange issue.

I’ve managed to bind a ComboBox to values and link UD Codes to the dropdown values, but when I preview the changes, the bindings show but I can’t see the actual text. Examples:



Is this something that anyone else has found to be an issue, and if so, is it fixed in later versions?

On a separate note, is there any documentation that I can use when building Kinetic customisations, as at the moment I am going in blind and just hoping that the functionality I build works. I’ve found bits and pieces here and there but nothing that I can use as a foundation.

This is happening to me too but I’m unsure why. I assumed I was not referencing what to display correctly, but I also haven’t been able to find any documentation on the components.

  1. Draw in the Combo in App Studio Like Normal
  2. Set the ID and Name
    3.Go To Reusable Combo
    4.Set the following Fields as follows
    Field Value
    Type UserCodes.UserCodesCombo
    Sub Type default
    FiltersParams CodeTypeParam= (no quotes)


  1. Set the EpiBinding to you View.Field

Jose to the rescue again! Cheers bud!

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Yes Thanks Jose. I did follow your solution but the combobox returns ALL UD codes, not just the filter…

BAQ as a validation

Any suggestions ???


I had a typo in my screen shot, try
setting the Filters Parms as


You are truly awesome and helpful. :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :upside_down_face:

Many thanks



FYI can also be found on the Kinetic help by searching for the ’ Adding a Combo Box to List UD Codes in Part Maintenance’ category!

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Can you filter to only display UDCodes.IsActive = true records?

I tried the “Filters Append” property under the “Filter Params”. But, both “UDCodes.IsActive=true” and “IsActive=true” display an error similar to:

Invalid column name ‘IsActive’.

Hi there,

I am also facing a similar issue but on List Combo (hard coded values “Approved” and “Rejected”) in a grid.

Any ideas?

Zoher Ali

Try to check the “Append List” Checkbox

Tried it already.
It still shows a blank list.

@JohnPW2438 Hi John! Were you able to get this to work? I’m trying to work through this same thing!

Can you filter to only display UDCodes.IsActive = true records?

I tried the “Filters Append” property under the “Filter Params”. But, both “UDCodes.IsActive=true” and “IsActive=true” display an error similar to:

Invalid column name ‘IsActive’.

The reason filters append and search filter doesn’t work is because it applies the filter to both where clauses.


It passes a where clause statement for both the UDCodeType table and the UDCodes table. UDCodeType doesn’t have the IsActive field so it fails.
Using a BAQ as a data source will work.

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Yes, you can filter only the UDCodes.IsActive = true records.
User Codes:

  1. Go To Reusable Combo

  2. Set Hidden Column Append

  3. Go to Advanced and Set Row Filter

  4. Preview it.