Kinetic Browser Android vs Apple

I asked something similar last year but did not get anywhere. Epicor says they have made improvements in 2023.2 which I am not seeing from testing.

I can run the browser on multiple apple devices(Ipad, Iphone & Ipod) and performance is fine. As soon as I use any android device it becomes basically not usable for simple things. The speed is just too slow over the browser.

Anyone using android devices on the browser successfully?

I actually have A BUNCH of possible information here. BUT FIRST… Are you talking about like new Android phones or like Android Tablets running Play Store-less Android packages?

Not just off the shelf phones and tablets, but handheld devices also that I had demo devices from the vendors. I sent the demos back after working with them and no success. I believe it was their packages without Play store.

Yeah… So those devices will be using a built in WebView package that is likely firmware locked and un-updatable. Visit the site below (on those handhelds) and if you find that the version of Chrome (WebView) it is reporting is less than triple digits you are going to have a bad time. We just had to scrap ALL of our digital display devices and replace them due to this exact same issue.

EDIT: Newish android phones and tablets WITH Play Store should still be getting updates to WebView package so SHOULD do alright but there is a caveat there too that requires more explaining that really makes sense in context of this question.

This reports version
Webview settings shows 118.0.5993.80

On the device itself? Dang that’s pretty current if not managed by the PlayStore I’m impressed!

This android device I have now has playstore I should have added.
So something specific about devices with playstore is an issue?
I am not that familiar with the mobile devices, we have been using the older handhelds on terminal server for a decade at least.

Actually it’s when they dont have PlayStore that you are more likely to have an issue. If they are packaging their own “proprietary” version of Chrome and controlling the releases is when you can get into trouble.

I have downloaded another browser and am viewing the developer tools on the device now. The network server responses are way higher on the mobile device and I can see the delays. For instance I am testing Pack Entry and PO find buffer on my computer is 12ms and 8ms but on the android it is 516ms and 486ms.

Looks like 14 total network calls happening making it take a few seconds to respond. Not sure yet how to test the response on the Apple devices. They are on the same location and network.

Connected to a macbook to view the developer tools for an Iphone. The network response to the phone was way faster than that to the android devices. We are talking 20ms compared to 500ms on one of the multiple calls using the same wireless network. Every network response was significantly faster on the Iphone.

Do you get different results on each with an internet speed test?

We are on premise, but the latency etc. is very similar.

Yeah, I was trying to see if there was a way to test if the network/wifi card in the android devices were to blame.

Could be. Tested 4 Apple devices and 4 Android devices and its always the android devices that have the problem. Need to keep on testing and messing with this. I prefer to use the android devices, but worst case I can put a bluetooth scanner on the Iphone to get us along for a bit.

Looking at that kind of Latency difference JUST because its an android device is very weird. It might be your actual wireless. Is it just the Kinetic stuff that has a super high latency or does everything have high latency on the Android devices?

Everything else seems OK on the device. A quick comparison of just simple ping test side by side.