Kinetic - Barcode Scanning - Combobox

We have a customization where we use a combobox to look up a list of usercodes, the field is populated by scanning a barcode.
When we scan the barcode it is autopopulating the field incorrectly, for example, Options are:


When scanning ASSEMBLY-01 or 02 it populates as ASSEMBLY.

I have tried amending the SysConfig file as below but neither of these have worked.

SelectTextOnEnter value=“True” (Tried both True & False)

ComboAutoCompleteMode value=“AutoCompleteOnly” options=“AutoCompleteOnly|DropDownList” (Tried both options)

Can anyone assist?

I don’t have a solution for you as I’ve also struggled scanning into comboboxes.

What I’ve done, instead, is insert a textbox in place of the combobox, and then scan into that. If you’re scanning the value in, then having a dropdown box kinda defeats the purpose anyway.


Hi David, thanks for your reply.

We have thought about the text box, however, this leaves the field open for a user to type something in when we need to restrict it to a set list. The scanner was to help as the list is quite long.

Could you use the text box and add a BPM to confirm the value was in your list. If it wasn’t, have the BPM respond with a "Raise Exception’.


Yes, could look to do that but ideally would like to get what we have working :slight_smile: