Kinetic Application Studio - Finding the correct event

Still trying to duplicate functionality added to Classic Time Phase via UI customization in the Kinetic UX
I have created the added columns and can trigger the data additions to the TimePhas grid using a button click. I can’t seem to find a way to make it happen automagically after the TimePhas grid is populated initially

looking for ideas to try - thanks

If I’m understanding correctly, you’re looking to do something when you load a part in?
You can hook onto their AfterGetById event.

That event fires way before the TimePhas grid is loaded – I did try it early on

What are you working towards achieving?

I have added columns for Parent Part and Start Date to be displayed for Job Numbers in the grid and also to include text from a PORel UD Field (AKA Shortage Note) and want the data retrieved/populated once the grid has filled with TimPhas data

Again, this was a pretty simple task in the classic UI. It was triggered by the TimePhas dataview initialize event when the row count was not -1

Whelp. You got me stumped. I can see your issue and the closest I got was hooking into the event ColumnChanged_PartNum with limited success. As in, the first time I went in, nothing happened, but if I went back to the landing page, then back into the part, it worked. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Time for the Kinetic Bat Signal! @Ishkaran any thoughts on that event? We could really use a hook for DataViews like “Initialize” or something.

The TimePhas dataset had some columns not used in our environment so I created a Post Process Method Directive on GoProcessTimePhas and did some custom code lookups and set the ‘unused’ columns to the values from the lookups. I gave Titles to the newly used Columns in Application Studio and have it working for now. If there were not any available columns to repurpose I would still be tearing my last couple hairs out

I tried the data changing hooks available in AppStudio. None of them worked for this specific case. We will need an enhancement to meet this requirement.