Kinetic / App Studio - Promote Action/Tool to Primary Toolbar

With 2024.1, we’ve lost the Part landing page (not the place to gripe if you don’t agree with this change). I therefor want to make sure the Part “Search” icon is front & center and not require the users to have to click on the overflow menu.


Yes, we have custom layers on the Part Entry form. One of our customizations is to make the main Part/Search field read-only on form load.

The problem was if they typed in a part number that didn’t exist, Epicor would ask if they wanted to create it. We follow a strict part numbering format, so, if a user wants to create a new part, they have to click the NEW icon, then choose the part class, then a function will assign the next part number in that part class. So… that’s the reason for disabling the main part/search field.

I’ve scrolled through each of my custom layers and all of them have the Search tool assigned to “add to Primary ToolBar”.

If I preview any of my layers… it’s there:


I’ve even re-published each of my customized layers. However, when I load Part Entry… the search icon won’t appear in the primary toolbar. Its back in the overflow.


Any thoughts on why it would appear in the previews but not in the final published form (w/ layers applied)?


Can you edit one of the existing ones to not be on the Primary Toolbar?

Why not add it to the Secondary Toolbar?

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BUT… that still doesn’t answer the question on why it previews fine but doesn’t publish.

App Studio even shows the Max Items is set to 6… I could preview 6, but it would only display 5. I dunno.


So… what does any decent troubleshooter do… try to break it! So I increased that Max Items number to 7… and wouldn’t you know it… I can now get 6!


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Must be 2 based. :laughing:

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