Kinetic 2024.1 Cloud Upgrade Postponed

I know all the cool kids are in Nashville. Is there any ‘insight’ into what is happening with the release 2024.1 that was supposed to be launched on Cloud Pilot last weekend?
Can anyone guess if it is going to be postponed for days, or for weeks?
Did the rest of world beside US and Canada get the upgrade 10 days ago?
Why can’t I find Release Notes for 2024.1, shouldn’t that be published by now?

I would assume you will not hear a new date until after the conference.

this thread located the release notes.

Thank you, @gpayne. I finally found the release notes. Epicor does not make it easy to get to them. And I was hoping someone could share chatter or rumors from the floor for those of us not able to be there.

Interesting - Government Cloud was refreshed -
Pilot Database

Here’s Pilot from Public Cloud.

From EpicWeb.

Finally, now I can plan my summer vacation.
From Epicweb on Monday June 10:

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