I want to insert/update record into country specific table using BPM, how the script will look like? I try using getUDfield method, and it will hit error. Any idea? Thanks.
I want to insert/update record into country specific table using BPM, how the script will look like? I try using getUDfield method, and it will hit error. Any idea? Thanks.
You could do it via Custom Code. I have an example here of what I used in one of my BPMs inserting records to UD02
// use UpdateExt method for the dataset
var ds = new Ice.Tablesets.UpdExtUD02Tableset();
// get new row
var row = new Ice.Tablesets.UD02Row()
// define field sets
Company = callContextClient.CurrentCompany,
Key1 = "ShipDate.ReasonCode",
Key2 = callContextBpmData.Number01.ToString(),
Character01 = callContextBpmData.Character01
ds.UD02.Add(row); // add row to UD02